
Jungle Boss - Original Cut

:: So here we have the raw session of Jungle Boss, the group I'm recording for the Evergreen CD Project. I wanted to put this up not to have people critique it and say, "Oh, at this part I would do this," but to have a control in this recording experiment, so someone can go back after hearing my final mix and say, "Hey, you did this and this and this and it sounds good," or even, "I didn't hear this, that could be changed."

That being said, I do hope this sounds decent as is. It's always easiest to start with good material and just polish it instead of having to clean up parts first. We did get some magic at the end with the outro jam; that part was totally uncoordinated and spontaneous, but sounds pretty sweet. This is Austin, Colin, and Kyle with "Jungle Boss" ::


File Vault

:: I'm now working on getting all my files consolidated in one easy-to-locate source. If you look at my links section in the right-hand column, you can see a new link titled File Vault. This links to another website of mine that hosts all my music and audio work in nice neat Flash players. It's a work in progress; I'll continue to post new work on here first along with my stories and descriptions about that work's creation.

Here is the link again, for redundancy's sake:
http://musicianator.Web.officelive.com/default.aspx ::